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Comments on: How many clouds will we see in the future? http://cloudblog.roland-judas.de/2008/12/how-many-clouds-will-will-see-in-the-future/ Roland Judas on Clouds and the future of IT Thu, 04 Aug 2011 11:16:51 +0000 http://wordpress.org/?v=2.9 hourly 1 By: roland http://cloudblog.roland-judas.de/2008/12/how-many-clouds-will-will-see-in-the-future/comment-page-1/#comment-50 roland Thu, 08 Jan 2009 21:56:00 +0000 http://cloudblog.roland-judas.de/?p=15#comment-50 Alon, I'd love to learn more about BTM and the way your product is working, so I'll send you a direct mail. It's interesting, that you're trying to evangalize people on a system management new paradigm, because I have a similar job, albeit different paradigm. If you're interested, you may want to read about at <a href="http://www.hcboos.net" rel="nofollow">http://www.hcboos.net</a>, where I'm co-author. Just skip the recent private stuff and dig into the older postings. Roland Alon,
I’d love to learn more about BTM and the way your product is working, so I’ll send you a direct mail. It’s interesting, that you’re trying to evangalize people on a system management new paradigm, because I have a similar job, albeit different paradigm. If you’re interested, you may want to read about at http://www.hcboos.net, where I’m co-author. Just skip the recent private stuff and dig into the older postings.

By: Alon Ben-Shoshan http://cloudblog.roland-judas.de/2008/12/how-many-clouds-will-will-see-in-the-future/comment-page-1/#comment-46 Alon Ben-Shoshan Sun, 21 Dec 2008 14:02:22 +0000 http://cloudblog.roland-judas.de/?p=15#comment-46 Roland, I reached your blog through a comment that you left Doug Mcclure. I agree that managing clouds is the new infrastructure paradigm, my job is to help people understand that BTM is the new systems management paradigm. I really want to write about how Cloud computing will be able to utilize BTM, but since it is not my direct area of expertise, I would like to collaborate on such content. Shoot me an e-mail if you want to learn more about BTM and share your thoughts on managing the cloud. Thanks! Roland,
I reached your blog through a comment that you left Doug Mcclure.
I agree that managing clouds is the new infrastructure paradigm, my job is to help people understand that BTM is the new systems management paradigm.
I really want to write about how Cloud computing will be able to utilize BTM, but since it is not my direct area of expertise, I would like to collaborate on such content.
Shoot me an e-mail if you want to learn more about BTM and share your thoughts on managing the cloud.

